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Samhain night. Witchs altar with goats skull, burning candle, dry herbs and magic vessels


A deeply earthy and anti-geopathogenic stone, shungite is found only in Karelia, in northern Russia.

Its phenomenal protective power emerges from the unique nature of its formation.

A rare carbon-based mineral, it is composed of hollow fullerenes (98%) called Bukyballs and contains virtually every mineral on the periodic table.

Fullerenes shield against electromagnetic emissions.

Wear shungite or place it on the source of electromagnetic emissions, such as computers, cell phones to eliminate their harmful effect on the sensitive human energy system.

Shungite clears mental or emotional pollutants, allowing new patterns to take hold.

At the same time encourages to keep the wisdom of the past and apply it to the present in order to create a new future.

Shungite transforms water into a biologically active substance that strengthens life, while simultaneously eliminating harmful microorganisms and pollutants.

Transforms stress into powerful energy recharge.

Shungite quickly absorbs negative energy and pollutants, it must be purified regularly and placed in the sun to recharge.


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