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Samhain night. Witchs altar with goats skull, burning candle, dry herbs and magic vessels

Mandela Pink Grimoire - Signed 🧚‍♀️ Kahlifee

Unique grimoire decorated with a beautiful pink mandela.

Kahlifee's grimoires are entirely personalized by hand and each page is aged with tea to make it a truly antique page.

Dimensions: 10-1/4" high x 8" wide

The grimoire has a fan-shaped thickness as its pages age from 1" to 3-3/4"

Mandela Pink Grimoire

SKU: GK-Mandela
Only 1 left in stock

Creative witch who combines instinct and passion to create unique magic tools.

She is a self-taught craftswoman who loves to experiment and learn to work with new materials.

Grimoires, healing dolls and goddess dolls are my favorite creations to make.

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