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Samhain night. Witchs altar with goats skull, burning candle, dry herbs and magic vessels

Zebra Amber

Amber belongs to a small class of organic gems, neither a crystal nor a mineral, but a biological product of nature, a protective resin that oozes from living trees in dense prehistoric forests and fossilized over millions of years.

It is highly prized in the metaphysical world for its energetic and healing properties, and for the wonderful life force it carries.

Amber has a strong connection to the sun and the earth, as well as to the once-living insects, organisms and plant matter that are forever suspended within its golden structure.

It is attuned to ancient wisdom and can be a powerful tool for remembering past lives or stimulating the memory of genetic lessons and experiences passed down from one's ancestors.

It is useful for clarifying family patterns and initiating one's prerogative of choice.

Amber is a natural purifier, valued for its ability to draw pain and disease from the physical body, as well as the mind and spirit, by absorbing negative or stagnant energies and transforming them into clear, positive energy.

It stimulates the body's own mechanisms to heal itself. It increases vitality and helps in tissue regeneration.

Amber is great for cleansing and reactivating the chakras, especially the sacral and solar plexus chakras, and is an excellent tool for cleansing the environment in which it rests.

It emits a lively, calming energy conducive to health and well-being, and is wonderful for convalescence, improving depression or the grieving process.

Amber also provides a protective shield against negative energies and can be called upon to remove toxicity from life or relationships.

Zebra Amber

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