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Crystals, Sage and Incense

Energy stones

The properties of the stones described below are taken from the internet via lithotherapy sites. Please note that the descriptions vary. They are for informational purposes only. WitchVibes is not a lithotherapist and does not guarantee the total veracity of the properties displayed.

It is an excellent stone for those in recovery or recovering from addiction. It enhances mental focus. Its qualities make it suitable for helping with new beginnings in life. It offers the energies needed to undo spiritual limitations. It brings awareness of the Self that allows us to develop our psychic abilities, to see our full divine potential and to respect ourselves while promoting the expression of this greatness that lives within us. Moss Agate promotes tranquility and emotional balance. Moss Agate is the perfect stone for those who experience strong aggression or over-nurturing emotions, helping to balance the masculine and feminine energies whenever they become too extreme. Moss Agate's calming ambiance also helps us to connect with nature and can bring a sense of focus or patience when we need to disconnect from the chaos of modern society. Moss Agate is associated with budding friendships. It is suggested to wear this stone when meeting new people to attract them and foster new relationships. The moss-like dendritic inclusions we see in moss agate are mostly manganese or iron oxides, and the colors vary depending on the trace minerals or metals present, such as chromium. It protects against environmental pollutants. It is considered a stone of abundance and wealth. A birthing crystal, moss agate helps the work of midwives, reduces pain and ensures easy labor. Very protective during relationship breakups.

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In general, this crystal represents the power of alchemical energy which makes it suitable for purifying, cleaning, transforming and adjusting the energies of our bodies, our energy centers, our vibrational field and our cells. Amethyst is therefore associated with the Grand Master St-Germain who provides strength to help us find our original purity. It brings us balance and allows us to refocus. These properties are very useful for people who do or carry out any type of spiritual work. This stone strengthens and supports the state of our consciousness and our higher mind. It helps to develop our true Nature and leads us to find our divine belonging. It helps to detach ourselves from material futilities. The energies of Amethyst stimulate imagination, creativity, clarity of mind, serenity. These modulations help to improve the integration of new ideas. This wonderful stone soothes anxieties and anger. It has the property of understanding the separation process so it is very useful during divorce, mourning or departure. It raises our energy frequencies, allows us to become sober again and frees us from addictions. It is used to combat poisoning (alcohol, drugs, tobacco, etc.). It is the stone of plenitude and is particularly suitable for hyperactive and stressed people. By calming thoughts, it strengthens concentration and develops intuitive and spiritual potential as well as understanding non-material realities. This will clean your home or workplace, absorb anything unhealthy to bring beneficial energies. It is important not to expose amethyst to bright sunlight or a full moon because it may lose its color.


Blue Apatite has properties that arouse inspiration. A point of interface between consciousness and matter, it is a stone of manifestation, which promotes a humanitarian attitude, inclined to render service. Although it is linked to past lives, apatite is in harmony with the future. It develops psychic gifts and spiritual attunement, makes meditation deeper, raises the kundalini and promotes communication and personal expression on all levels. Increases motivation and accumulates energy reserves. Induces ease in society, pushing towards extroversion, dispelling circumspection and distance. Absorbs negativity towards oneself and others. Useful for hyperactive and autistic children. Stimulating creativity and intellect, apatite eliminates confusion and helps access information that can be used for individual and collective good. Increases knowledge, benefits truth, alleviates sorrow, apathy and anger, decreases irritability and overcomes emotional exhaustion. By releasing energy in the root chakra, dissipates frustration and assumes passion without guilt. Blue Apatite connects with the higher plane of spiritual direction. Facilitates public speaking, intensifies group communication, opens the throat chakra, soothes the heart and emotional discomfort. Teaches us to tune into the Great Universal Plan to foster our humanity. Its modulations transport us to the Great Ones of Light to receive their teachings. It enhances our vertical vision and adjusts us to the different dimensional planes. It awakens and elevates our consciousness. Its strength helps us achieve greater flexibility, reorganizing and restructuring our Life according to our Truth. Its vibrations free us from static situations, sorrow, apathy and anger and bring harmony and creativity into our lives. Brings the enhancement of the spirit, adjusts communication and helps to solve problems.


Natural Citrine, a rare quartz with a golden or champagne hue, gets its distinctive color from traces of iron. Although often mistaken for heat-treated amethysts, natural Citrine has unique properties. It is known for its cleansing and regenerative energy, aiding in soul healing and connection with spiritual strength. Carrying the energy of the sun, it promotes self-esteem, creativity and optimism, while helping to release past wounds. Natural Citrine energizes and strengthens motivation, facilitating decision-making and concentration. It protects against negative energies without ever requiring cleansing or recharging. By balancing environments, it soothes family conflicts and promotes serenity in relationships. This stone is also a powerful ally of the solar plexus chakra, calming depression, doubts and negative emotions. Used in Feng Shui, Citrine attracts abundance and prosperity when placed in the wealth sector of a space. Known as the “merchant’s stone,” it is often placed in cash registers to promote financial success. Additionally, natural Citrine stimulates happiness and generosity, while protecting the aura and subtle bodies, balancing spiritual and physical energies. Wearing natural Citrine in the form of jewelry brings intelligence, happiness, and self-healing, while Citrine generators are used to resolve patterns of emotional or physical poverty, promoting abundance on all levels.


This stone has a great capacity for regeneration, revitalizes, purifies and balances energies and energy centers. Considered a protective Talisman. Inspires love and devotion. Its modulations lead us to engage in what is good for us. Brings a connection with the Earth to help anchor the forces of higher consciousness in matter. Garnet brings serenity or passion as needed. Eliminates inhibitions and taboos. It helps to open the heart. Promotes self-confidence and puts an end to sabotage. Emphasizes that we give time to ourselves. Strengthens and activates other crystals. Avoids obsolescence, alleviates emotional discord and strengthens our ability to perceive. Great protector, symbolizes truth and brings prosperity.


Beyond its beauty, it is a crystal with magnificent power. Labradorite is a stone linked to the hand chakra, which it can activate in depth. The ideal stone for drawing the pendulum. A magical stone par excellence, it promotes the activation of the Third Eye, which accelerates the awakening and development of clairvoyance and clairaudience abilities, as well as the understanding of inner messages. It refines radiesthetic sensitivity, stimulates intuition and the ability to be in the right place at the right time. Labradorite is an essential protective stone. It is known to dissolve all mental pollution, both those we emit and those directed towards us. A reflection of celestial colors, it acts as a shield and absorbs evils, sorrows and other inharmonious energies. It plays the role of both a shield and a sponge. Shield because in its presence, labradorite protects from the evils of others. Sponge because it absorbs negative energies and dissolves them. Bearer of Light, Labradorite helps to dispel the dark veil of illusions often resulting from obsolete beliefs and uncontrolled emotions that lead to repeating cognitive patterns that no longer correspond to your reality, and no longer meet your essential needs of the moment. It helps to overcome stress and feelings of anxiety, and promotes intellect, inspiration and intuition. Labradorite encourages you to do a big "cleaning" inside yourself to overcome your limits. It allows you to open up through expansions of consciousness, to a larger, brighter reality. Take the stone in hand and concentrate on the energy it transmits to regain strength and tone. It is of great help to anyone in a helping relationship (medical staff, therapists, energy workers, teachers, lawyers, beauticians, etc.), to maintain their vibrational rate and lucidity. It forms a barrier that allows them to avoid energy leaks, in the face of discordant mental and emotional outpourings projected by the many interlocutors encountered during a day. Its powerful action on the mind allows you to eliminate any interference, to stay connected to the thread of clear thought supported by intuition and to capture information on the subtle planes. On yourself or in your environment, this stone has its place everywhere. In litho application, on the solar plexus or on the heart. Placed on the solar plexus, accompanied by an orange stone (orange calcite for example), it will allow through the action of calcite to calm the patient and at the same time absorb negative energies and secure the aura. Placed in your home, Labradorite is recommended to dissolve hyperactivity and mental pollution. On your desk, it will help develop creativity, imagination and spark new ideas. You can also entrust it with the care of providing you with restful sleep by placing it on your bedside table before falling asleep.


Is a purification stone that eliminates all harmfulness. It has the modulations to act on all types of pollution. It enhances the feeling of inner peace and leads to the joy of living. Its vibrational force transforms the blockages that prevent access to the awareness of the presence of the Creative Source in us. It acts to relieve obsessive and destructive thoughts. Its beautiful vibration encourages decision-making and the achievement of Life goals by removing the superfluous. It brings us a feeling of inner stability facilitating our transformation process. In fact, Lepidolite contains lithium, well known to help stabilize mood disorders. As a result, it also helps to overcome different forms of addiction, drugs or others, as well as certain behavioral disorders, especially eating disorders. Can eliminate negative thoughts and emotional attachments such as resentment and envy. Lepidolite helps to perfect psychic skills such as channeling and mediumship. Lepidolite is also a stone of spiritual purification, and meditating with it can clear blocked energies in any chakra and throughout the meridian system. Lepidolite encourages us to stop identifying with the ego and accept living in the present moment. Helps reduce hyperactivity and attention deficit disorders. It is an excellent stone for sleep disorders including insomnia caused by stress, worry or nightmares.


Malachite gemstones are known for their deep green hue, but there is also a red "malachite" gemstone that is also prized for its warm, terracotta hue. Red "malachite" is actually a form of jasper whose bands closely resemble the banded patterns of natural green malachite. The Egyptians also favored several types of jasper for use in amulets. Since red "malachite" is a banded jasper, its healing and metaphysical powers are comparable to other types of red jasper. Red is generally considered a hue of vitality and bravery, giving this gemstone a fiery sense of encouragement. Additionally, banded jaspers are well known as grounding stones that serve to focus the wearer. In addition to being calming and soothing, these gems encourage introspection. Banded Jaspers have a deep connection to nature and are linked to the Root Chakra. Additionally, Red Malachite is a stone of inner tranquility and boundary defense. It creates a protective barrier around your aura to protect your energy. Red Malachite is a Guardian Builder crystal. Guardian Guardian talismans conceal their underlying power. If ever, these stones create translucent crystals. Instead, they conceal their strength behind a mask of darkness, concealing the force they wield. In the physical world, they are extraordinary amulets to protect loved ones, possessions, and physical safety. When they have the earthly power of a builder due to their chemical composition, these crystals are ideal for accumulating wealth or improving our material and spiritual situation. Red Malachite crystals are generally valued for their ability to enhance personal strength, physical energy and vitality to meet the demanding expectations of the world. They offer you a sanctuary of peace and tranquility and the strength to maintain it.

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Nuummite is the sorcerer's/witch's stone, very protective against evil and psychic manipulation. One of the oldest minerals on Earth, it is an exceptional energy tool for people whose energies are evolved enough to withstand its intensity. Associated with tugtupite, suitable for rituals. Helps to see beyond appearances, creating an inner landscape to cross. Protective stone strengthening the auric shield, effective against negative energies and witchcraft, helps to travel with discretion and assurance. Perfect stone for travel in the lower world aimed at recovering a lost soul or a childish part. Hides from view and protects the car. This intense stone has an element of magic that must be used with respect and intention so that it does not disappear. Activating the chakras of the past life and coma, opens and integrates all the subtle chakras, causing a profound change in consciousness. On the karmic level, it helps identify past life contacts and highlight debts from improper use of power, thus reminding one not to repeat patterns. Placed on the soma chakra, it extracts karmic debris from the physical and emotional bodies. With its strong electromagnetic field and ability to reprogram cellular memory, it quickly restores energy or power depleted by karmic debts and other causes, and removes blockages, including self-imposed ones. Nuummite connects to one's true self.


Black Obsidian is a powerful grounding stone, connected to the deep forces of the Earth. Its vibrations connect the mind to the soul, facilitating the return to balance after deep meditations or intense spiritual experiences. It is a stone that helps to stay centered and present, while refining inner vision. Thanks to its ability to work in depth, it is often considered the stone of truth, revealing the hidden aspects of ourselves and the world around us. Used by many therapists, black obsidian has the ability to open and close emotional and psychic wounds. It helps to bring out the truth, thus allowing to reach the heart of the problems to initiate a true healing. This stone promotes a purifying process that eliminates blockages and cleanses stagnant energies, thus facilitating emotional release. It highlights flaws and weaknesses and then eliminates anything that is destructive. Black obsidian is also known for its ability to create a powerful protective shield, both fortifying and purifying. This shield acts on psychic attacks as well as environmental and energetic pollution, by protecting the aura. It helps to refocus scattered energy, bringing us back to our true self under the guidance of the higher self. By working on past lives, it allows us to release ancestral influences that could still weigh on the present. Placed in a healing room, black obsidian facilitates the rapid elimination of underlying problems and absorbs the negative energies that result from them. Used with respect and wisdom, this stone can deeply transform internal energies, creating lasting balance and protection.

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Moonstone, an iridescent gemstone from the feldspar group, is revered for its ability to reflect lunar cycles and embody soft, receptive feminine energies. Its opalescent reflections, called adularescence, evoke the glow of the moon, symbolizing transformation and continual renewal. Traditionally used to promote emotional harmony and inner peace, it helps to mitigate overreactions, while balancing masculine and feminine energies. It is particularly beneficial for those seeking to access their intuition and develop psychic abilities such as clairvoyance. Moonstone is also a stone of new beginnings, ideal for accompanying those going through life transitions. It is said to protect sailors and travelers, especially during the full moon, when its properties are intensified. Charged with a strong feminine energy, it awakens receptivity and passivity, while balancing the energies in men wishing to explore their feminine side or women with a more aggressive character. This stone is thus an antidote to the excesses of masculine energy, whether in macho behavior or feminine aggressiveness. In spiritual practice, moonstone activates and amplifies intuition, although one must be vigilant to avoid it provoking illusions or overwhelming emotions. It promotes lucid dreaming, especially during the full moon, and supports deep meditation. It also allows access to cycles of personal transformation, reminding us that each end is a new beginning, and it helps to manage stress and move forward with enthusiasm towards new goals. Finally, this stone is a powerful tool for the development of metaphysical faculties, facilitating the connection to higher spiritual dimensions while balancing the subtle energies of the body.


Revealing stone, can be used for vision quests or shamanic journeying. Strongly influences the body during moving meditations, quickly accessing a very high state of altered consciousness. Stimulates the third eye and pineal gland, accesses intuition and promotes subtle spiritual visions and precognition. Pietersite is said to dispel the illusion of separation, connects the individual with the source of their inner guidance and helps them recognize the truth or falsehood of others. Dispels blockages due to stubbornness and clears confusion. Used for past life healing, Pietersite eliminates the discomfort caused by not respecting one's own truth. Eliminates mental and verbal conditioning and dispels spiritual illusions. Cancels commitments and promises from past lives brought into this life and strengthens the individual's own will. Pietersite promotes fidelity to one's principles. An extremely positive and strengthening stone, which helps to speak out loud and explore everything that blocks access to the truth. Helps to process old conflicts and repressed feelings. Supposed to keep "the keys to the kingdom of heaven", it joins daily consciousness to the spiritual. Pietersite anchors not in the earth but in the etheric body. Facilitates spiritual journeys, especially to consult the Akashic records. This wonderful stone is the guardian of the ''Keys to the kingdom of heaven''. It reconnects us to the divine dimension of our being. It joins daily consciousness to the spiritual. It anchors energies in the etheric layer. It stimulates the spiritual eye and the pineal gland. It allows access to intuition. It helps to recognize the truth and leads us to live according to our deep truth. It dispels blockages due to stubbornness. It eliminates discomfort. Its action helps to deeply cleanse the auric field. It is useful for changing bad habits and bad programming. It brings the strength to put our dreams into action to make them come true. Pietersite invigorates the mind, safeguards the balance between our daydreaming tendencies and our daily responsibilities. Stimulates the third eye and the pineal gland, accesses intuition and promotes subtle spiritual visions and precognition. Dispels blockages due to stubbornness and clears confusion. Cancels commitments and promises from past lives brought into this life and strengthens the individual's own will.


Clear Quartz, also known as Rock Crystal, is one of the most versatile and powerful stones in the field of lithotherapy and spiritual practices. It is often considered a "master healer" because of its many energetic properties. Here is an overview of its main properties: Energy Amplification: Clear Quartz is known for its ability to amplify energies, whether it is personal energies, surrounding vibrations, or even the properties of other stones. It can be used to intensify intentions, whether in rituals, meditation or energy healing. Mental Clarity and Focus: Clear Quartz helps to improve mental clarity, promoting better concentration and more effective decision-making. It is often used during times of confusion or when seeking to reach a higher state of consciousness. Healing: It is a universal healing crystal. It is used to balance and harmonize all chakras and energy bodies. It works by purifying the aura and removing energy blockages. Emotional Balance: It helps balance emotions and bring inner stability, allowing you to better manage stressful or emotionally difficult situations. Energy Protection: Clear Quartz has the ability to dispel negative or unwanted energies in the environment. It is often used to purify spaces, other crystals or to protect the aura from negative external influences. Channeling and Spiritual Connection: Clear Quartz is used to strengthen the connection with the spiritual planes. It is appreciated to aid in meditation and channeling higher energies or spirit guides. It promotes the opening of intuitive abilities and spiritual awakening. It is commonly used to intensify meditative practices, helping to reach deep states of consciousness. Clear Quartz can be placed next to other stones to amplify their energetic properties. It is ideal in crystal grids to intensify healing energies. In energy healing sessions, Clear Quartz is often used to rebalance and revitalize chakra energy or to remove blockages. It is used to purify other crystals or objects by absorbing and neutralizing accumulated negative energies. Associated Chakras Clear Quartz is linked to the **crown chakra** (Sahasrara), located at the top of the head. It promotes spiritual connection and harmonization with the universe, stimulating awakening and enlightenment. In summary, Clear Quartz is an essential stone for anyone looking to work with energies, whether for healing, protection or meditation. Its great versatility and ability to amplify make this stone essential in energy practices. Clear Quartz is by far the most versatile and multidimensional stone in the mineral kingdom. Three of its key characteristics are energy amplification, the ability to receive programming and memory. Clear Quartz encourages clarity on all levels, We can use it to enhance communication with guides and amplify paranormal abilities. It works to stimulate and open the chakras and circulation pathways in the body, giving rise to a larger and enlightened auric field.

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The pink vibration of Rose Quartz activates the bridge between the upper 3 chakras and the lower three chakras. This is important because this bridge connects our human existence as an individual grounded on this planet with our spiritual existence. This stone aligns our consciousness with divine love, compassion, mercy, tolerance and kindness. It calls upon the energy of the angels including the Archangels Samuel and Haniel to surround and protect us. Rose Quartz adds the element of love to the thoughts we entertain in our consciousness. With this stone in hand, we practice thinking with our hearts, when we try to analyze a situation in depth in order to find a peaceful and loving solution to whatever we are considering. Rose Quartz is the perfect stone to help us attract romance and love into our lives. It helps us attract our soul mate. The soothing pink color of quartz crystal is perfect for situations where we need to feel comforted and surrounded by unconditional love. Also use when we need to amplify our own feelings of unconditional love for others. This is a stone that is well suited for grief, loss of love, and for better connection with babies and children. Rose quartz supports the regeneration and rejuvenation of the skin. Also use as a sleep aid and for healing anything related to heart related disorders.

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A deeply earthy and anti-geopathogenic stone, shungite is found only in Karelia, in northern Russia. Its phenomenal protective power emerges from the unique nature of its formation. A rare carbon-based mineral, it is composed of hollow fullerenes (98%) called Bukyballs and contains virtually every mineral in the periodic table. Fullerenes protect against electromagnetic emissions. Wear shungite or place it on the source of electromagnetic emissions, such as computers, cell phones to eliminate their harmful effect on the sensitive human energy system. Shungite eliminates mental or emotional pollutants, allowing new patterns to take hold. At the same time, it encourages one to hold onto the wisdom of the past and apply it to the present in order to create a new future. Shungite transforms water into a biologically active substance that strengthens life, while simultaneously eliminating harmful microorganisms and pollutants. Transforms stress into powerful energy recharge. Shungite quickly absorbs negative energy and pollutants, it must be purified regularly and placed in the sun to recharge.


Amber belongs to a small class of organic gems, neither a crystal nor a mineral, but a biological product of nature, a protective resin that oozes from living trees in dense prehistoric forests and fossilized over millions of years. It is highly prized in the metaphysical world for its energetic and healing properties, and for the wonderful life force it carries. Amber has a strong connection to the sun and earth, as well as to the once living insects, organisms, and plant matter that are forever suspended within its golden structure. It is attuned to ancient wisdom and can be a powerful tool for remembering past lives or for stimulating the memory of genetic lessons and experiences passed down from one’s ancestors. It is useful for clarifying family patterns and initiating one’s prerogative of choice. Amber is a natural purifier, valued for its ability to draw pain and disease from the physical body, as well as the mind and spirit, by absorbing negative or stagnant energies and transforming them into clear, positive energy. This stimulates the body’s own mechanisms to heal itself. It increases vitality and aids in tissue regeneration. Amber is great for cleansing and reactivating the chakras, especially the sacral and solar plexus chakras, and is an excellent tool for cleansing the environment in which it rests. It emits a lively, calming energy conducive to health and well-being, and is wonderful for convalescence, improving depression, or the grieving process. Amber also provides a protective shield against negative energies and can be called upon to remove toxicity from life or relationships.

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Ametrine is a powerful spiritual tool; it is endowed with the power of amethyst related to transformation and transmutation of negativity, as well as the power of citrine related to the realization of our heart's desires. In addition to carrying the generic properties of amethyst and citrine, promotes healing and divination, connecting the physical world to higher consciousness. Highly protective, aids in travel, is extremely effective against psychic attack and gives increased focus in meditation. Leading the mind beyond everyday reality to connect it to higher awareness, facilitates transformation and offers insight into the inherent causes of emotional distress. Held in the hands, goes to the bottom of things and brings hidden issues to the surface. Its powerful purifying properties eliminate negativity from the aura and toxins from the body. Extremely dynamic, stimulates creativity and helps to take control of one's life. Imbues the mind with clarity, harmonizes perception and action and overcomes apparent contradictions. Promoting optimism and well-being impenetrable to external stressful influences, intensifies concentration. Helps to weigh things carefully, encouraging the study of all possibilities. Strengthens acceptance of others and overcomes prejudices. Merges masculine and feminine energies.


Green Aventurine is often called the "lucky stone". It is believed to attract abundance, prosperity and promote success in various aspects of life. This stone is known to help stabilize emotions. It can bring calm and serenity, helping to soothe stress, anxiety and negative emotions. As a stone linked to the heart chakra, green aventurine is often used to strengthen love, compassion, and harmonious relationships. It can help heal emotional wounds and open the heart to new experiences. This stone is often seen as a bridge between man and nature. It can promote a sense of peace and connection with the natural environment, thus strengthening ecological awareness and earthly healing. A stone of forgiveness, it helps to live in the present moment. Its action intensifies the connection with guides and Beings of Light. It helps to heal the causes of malaise after having become aware of it to learn our life lesson, to activate the self-healing capacities of the physical body. Aventurine arranged in a network in gardens and houses protects against geopathic stress. Traditionally it was a talisman for gambling, also increasing vision. Excellent protector of the spleen chakra.


This stone inspires gentleness, calm, serenity. Looking at it makes you want to touch it and keep it on you. It brings more stability into our lives and allows us to better understand others. Useful for eliminating the causes of discomfort from past lives, difficult circumstances and addictions. It weaves the link between the soul and the Spirit. Dumortierite is a stone that teaches us to defend ourselves. This stone allows us to regain control of our own lives and increase our level of patience. It is a very stimulating crystal for the brain and improves intellectual abilities in all areas. It is therefore a magnificent tool during studies. Its energy stimulates the pineal gland which is related to the spiritual eye. It therefore allows us to develop psychic powers. It brings more precision in our interpretation of the information we receive in channeling. Dumortierite soothes anxious temperaments, calms panic attacks and keeps depression away. It helps sensitive people to regain emotional stability and detachment. It is a valuable aid to get rid of addictive behaviors. Excellent for promoting a positive attitude in life, calming and focusing effort, suitable for people facing crises or trauma. Develops linguistic abilities to make communication with other cultures easier.


African Jade is excellent for grounding the distracted, as it opens the Earth Star Chakra and helps ground oneself in the core of the planet. Activating the Alta Major Chakra, helps manage the practical aspects of daily reality and stimulates growth through the physical world. Placed behind the ears, opens the inner ear and tunes in to the voice of spirit, the Higher Self and intuition - helping one find the right path. Assists in understanding the sounds the body makes by receiving subtle signals, bringing order out of chaos, eliminating environmental negativity. Placed at the feet during meditation, suggests practical solutions, Passing this stone around the biomagnetic field eliminates subtle obstacles to growth. Cleanses and purifies energies allowing one to progress at the right pace. Promotes the circulation of energy or fluids in the body strengthening the QI. Effective if the path of the soul requires working in the commercial world in order to bring more clarity and promote ethical decisions. This stone facilitates transactions and negotiations requiring finesse and perception. Welds a group together for a common goal. With its help, we perfectly avoid pitfalls and reach a happy conclusion.

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Stone of Wisdom and Truth It is an important stone of inner truth. Its modulations release blockages of the throat and expression. Lapis Lazuli facilitates the expression of feelings and emotions. It encourages what creates life, undoes emotional chains and frees from burdens, torments, suffering and cruelty. This stone stimulates creativity and clarifies thoughts which confers objectivity. Stone of connection in love and friendship. Lapis lazuli, with its deep blue dotted with golden veins, is a precious and venerated stone since antiquity. Used in royal ornaments and as a pigment in the paintings of the great masters, it is much more than a simple aesthetic jewel. Lapis lazuli is a powerful stone linked to wisdom and inner truth. It is known for its beneficial effects on the throat chakra and the third eye, thus promoting: • Clear and authentic expression: It helps to speak with confidence and to express one's emotions and thoughts in a sincere manner. • Self-confidence: It is an excellent stone for those looking to improve their communication or to speak in public. • Intuition and spiritual connection: By working with the third eye chakra, it develops intuition and opens the mind to deeper spiritual dimensions. • Spiritual protection: In some cultures, lapis lazuli was considered a protective amulet, repelling negative energies and strengthening the aura. • Harmony in relationships: It promotes open and honest communication, essential for harmonious relationships. • Anger management: It is useful for releasing repressed emotions or frustrations, thus calming mental tensions. In lithotherapy, lapis lazuli is often used to: • Soothe inflammation: Whether physical pain or skin irritation, this stone can be placed on the affected area to promote healing. • Relieve headaches: Placed on the forehead or worn as jewelry, it is known for its calming effect on migraines. This stone helps increase skills and improve knowledge. It brings great serenity, releases tension and transmits the key to the realization of the global being. Thanks to its vibratory force, this crystal creates a link with our guardian forces and allows us to identify the source of any psychic attack and then return it to its point of origin. Lapis Lazuli connects with the strength of our mind to allow us to regain control of our lives and regain our loyalty.


Azurite-Malachite represents the physical blend of two copper carbonate minerals, which symbolizes the symbiotic relationship between earthly existence and the cosmos as a whole. This stone serves as an intermediary to channel higher wisdom and knowledge of the universe while maintaining a connection in the physical world. The Azurite-Malachite combination connects the love of the heart chakra with the thought of the third eye and crown chakras in order to achieve great mental clarity inspired by divine wisdom. Azurite-Malachite helps us recognize true love and furthermore, it helps us integrate the understanding of love into our consciousness so that we can better heal our emotional issues. The gentle blend of the green healing energy of Malachite combined with the cooling energy of Azurite calms reactions caused by hormonal imbalance. Azurite-Malachite helps us connect with the angel Camael to free ourselves from anger, aggression or unmanageable emotions. Azurite-Malachite is a combination stone that helps all the systems of our body work together. This stone also helps us to be aware of our words and how they affect our health.

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Believed to protect against the evil eye, witchcraft and evil spirits, this stone purifies the emotional body, letting go of traumas from past lives or childhood. Under the influence of malachite, a powerful energy conduit, life is lived more intensely. Inevitably shows what blocks spiritual growth, removes deep discontent and psychosomatic causes, cuts unwanted links, eliminates obsolete models and teaches one to take responsibility for one's actions, thoughts and feelings. An important protective stone, malachite absorbs negative energies, bodily and environmental pollutants, plutonium and radiation, in addition to purifying electromagnetic fog. In addition to healing the Earth, malachite has a strong affinity with devic forces. Can be used to question the future or to access other worlds, both interior and exterior. The journey through the malachite spirals favors the reception of glimpses of the unconscious or messages from the future. Note: Copper ore, toxic if absorbed in large quantities. Wearing a polished stone does not pose any danger.

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This stone helps us find the best solution to undo all bad situations. It brings the inspiration that readjusts us to our inner magic. It brings us back to our divine path. This stone helps to free from the past and past lives. It gives the person who wears it strengths of courage and perseverance to continue on the path of evolution. It helps to receive the guidance of Mother Earth for the expansion of our being. It transmits a light force that balances the body, mind and spirit. It promotes inner centering. Placed on the sacral chakra, calm soothes. Teaches to appreciate mistakes as much as successes.

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It is used as a protective stone against the evil eye and black magic. But it also finds its place in empathy problems when a person is overwhelmed by the energies of places or people. This healing stone will allow you to be yourself rather than mixing what you feel with all the energies and emotions that surround you, which is the case with too much empathy, this is why it is protective. Tiger's eye allows you to no longer be influenced by the bad energies that are sent to you voluntarily or involuntarily. We often talk about the evil eye but it can simply be expressed by gossip or negative thoughts towards someone, so this mineral will somehow form a protective shield that will send the energies back to its transmitter instead of impregnating us with them. This stone stimulates the will, it allows us to free ourselves from our limits, we overcome our fears to be able to assert ourselves with more inner serenity. It reduces stress by bringing more self-confidence. By placing it between the eyes at the level of the 6th chakra (ajna) it will relax the mind. Asian traditions give it an ability to harmonize yin yang energies. It can generate a high vibrational state by associating earthly energy with solar energy in order to attract spiritual energies to the earth. Placed on the third eye, the tiger's eye balances the lower chakras. Purification and recharging: After a while the stone has given all the energy it could, it can be purified energetically by immersing it for several hours in demineralized water, possibly slightly salty. For greater efficiency, it can then be charged in the sun or natural light.

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This stone provides a solar force, a luminous force that enhances our inner light. Its modulations awaken our creative and intuitive abilities. It guides us on our true path of Life and allows us to recover the nobility of our being. It solidifies our deepest convictions and makes us touch the true joy of living. This alchemical stone emits around us a protective shield that helps us to free ourselves from the influence of the beings around us. It therefore makes us independent from others. It focuses us on the power of our soul. Its action helps us to self-discipline and takes us out of procrastination. It brings the luminous emissions necessary to obtain the healings of our being and the blessings that Heaven sends us. Purifying all the chakras and offering light energy, this stone allows the true self to show itself with happiness. Tradition associated it with benevolent gods. to luck and good fortune. Very beneficial for cutting ties. If you have trouble saying no and if you constantly sacrifice yourself for others, you should keep a sun stone on you at all times. Particularly effective for seasonal affective disorders, illuminating the darkness of winter.

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The energies of this stone create a magnetic shield against harmful energies. Its vibrations are useful for warding off evil and danger. It protects our different bodies, eliminates disturbing thoughts and prevents energy leaks from the vibrational field (aura). Its relationship with the Earth makes it a very strong stone of incarnation and anchoring. Its action allows us to better anchor the energies of higher frequencies. It is very revealing and helps us see beyond appearances. It allows us to transform the foundations of life by adjusting them with our true destiny. It organizes and expands our mental capacity. It allows the balance of our instinctive sphere so that it adjusts with our intuitive sphere. It stimulates the circulation of ideas so that we can better use our potential and creativity. It helps improve our memory and our ability to remember. It takes us out of bad influences. Its vibrations are useful for going back to the sources of karmic or psychological malaise. It brings strength, vitality, dynamism and creativity. It consolidates confidence and improves our faith in life. It acts to free us from frustrations and anxiety. It promotes harmonious exchanges. It generates great energies of manifestation in matter and its use acts particularly to focus business strategies and fuel our abundance. When placed on a desk it fills the area around it with beneficial energy. On the physical level it would increase energy and overcome fatigue. Placed on the solar plexus which is the center of the will it would help people in a period of apathy by stimulating it. A Pyrite held in each hand allows our energy system to function better. In summary, Pyrite represents perfect well-being.


Smoky quartz is a very effective anchoring crystal, it helps to concentrate energies on a specific point and allows us to focus our energy on what we need to know or work on to see more clearly in ourselves. Its modulations make it effective against stress. It alleviates fear and depression. It frees us from emotional dramas. Stone par excellence to free us from nightmares and induce balanced dreams. It brings balance to the mind and frees us from invasive energies to achieve a better realization of our dreams and our life projects. It promotes our interest in the environment and protects us against electromagnetic pollution from electrical losses. Raises vibrations during meditation. Reduces suicidal tendencies and ambivalence about incarnation. Strengthening virility and purifying the root chakra.

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"Infinity Stone" is the trade name given to serpentine that is found specifically in South Africa. The infinity stone. Balances mood swings, calms nervousness and stress and protects against negative energetic effects. Invites to find peaceful solutions to conflicts. Helps with cardiac arrhythmia, kidney and gastric disorders. Rebalances excess acidity, stimulates gastric metabolism, relaxes cramps and alleviates menstrual and muscle pain. On the solar plexus chakra it will be used to neutralize anxieties, whether related to urban life or travel.

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Fossil stones that are thousands of years old and contain the energy of the ancient world. Unique specimens formed from beautiful concentric layers of fossilized layers of cyanobacteria - also known as blue-green algae - in rock sediments. Aiding in reading the Akashic Records, Stromatolite nevertheless looks into the future, having undergone billions of years of chaos, catastrophe and transformation, it supports during evolutionary change. Helps to move away from disagreements while maintaining one's own point of view. Allows one to let go of mental programming based on the past and become less emotionally stressed to be more flexible. This stone helps children to change their behavior. It comforts the lonely. Stromatolite helps in healing the earth, repairing and activating meridians and song lines. Improves fertility, supporting photosynthesis and increasing oxygen levels. Stromatolite fossils bring the energies of acceptance, helping us to understand life's lessons and live our lives with an open mind and heart, allowing access to new possibilities. They resonate most with the root and heart chakras, purifying them, allowing an increase in the energy flowing between them. Many of these pieces combine two or three fossils into one, which is special for the sacred geometry and numerology of two or three.

Jade Africain
Lapis Lazuli
Malachite Azurite
Malachite rouge
Malachite verte
Obsidienne flocon
Obsidienne noir
Oeil de tigre
Pierre de lune
Pierre de soleil
Quartz clair
Quartz fumé
Quartz rose
Serpentine infinie
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